Star Gardens.

The StarCiv created the most exceptionally beautiful gardens to surround their star towns and cities.

Larger Starcities had their own formal, stunning gardens. These were most often situated just beyond (and surrounding) the external walls of the starcity. Very occasionally, they were inside the walls. They were based on a very specific set of shapes and an aesthetic look that ties in with the rest of the StarCiv - triangulation, geometric shapes and soft curves and ovals. As well as gardens that contained, it is assumed, normal garden type plants, there were also many tree gardens that consisted soley of forestry.

The gardens at Versaille in Paris are perhaps one of the best examples of 'Star Gardens' still surviving today. But there is ample evidence that this type of garden was present not only at larger Starcities, but many, many others stars as well, albeit in a more modest form. However, it's easier to explain this correlation by using the example of larger starcities because it's so obvious that the gardens of the larger stars have been used as blueprints for the expansion of these cities by us.

Take a look at these 'garden' layouts, get a feel for their shapes:






Examples of this kind of 'garden' can be found, intact, worldwide. Not all of them were were paved over or built upon.

There is further evidence that the starcities were surrounded by star gardens, in the form of old maps and drawings - for example, here's a map from c1750 showing, in detail, a small part of the area surrounding Vienna, just beyond the city:


And a closer look:

This is just a small part of the outskirts of Vienna and there are a series of maps showing that the entire city was surrounded by star gardens.

And here is the original large drawing of Vienna in 1780, which has been patched together from 16 different scans (so they don't all fit together perfectly), but it clearly shows the extent of gardens surrounding the Star City of Vienna. It's a large file (approx 11mb).

We literally moved in, wiped the garden clean and built our own structures in the space they had occupied. And left some as they were. Of course, it depended on the general level of destruction that was suffered by the star city during the events that devestated it - for example, in Russia and Ukraine, there are few cities left with gardens because the destruction was almost complete, so there was little to no pattern to follow when building these cities by us.

Many, many of these gardens still exist today, in many major cities of the world. They all have the same aesthetic look and feel and can be easily identified. There were even more still around during the 1940's and there are many aerial photographs in existence to verify this.

Star Gardens are integral to the expansion of ex-star cities by our civilisation. Here's a quick timeline to get things in order - the catastrophe destroyed much of the StarCiv - the survivors (or whoever we are) rebuilt our civilisation on the bones of the StarCiv, using the starcity centres (with their type 1 often still inhabitable) to begin with, then spreading out from there to form larger and larger cities.

And here, again, we used the bones of the StarCiv to advance our own civilisation.

Taking a quick look at the road layouts of many major cities - just beyond the original orgainic city street layout (undulating, wavy), the layout of the city becomes far more like this:

These shapes and patterns conform with the layouts of previously resident star gardens.

Star Forest Gardens.

coming soon.

Recap: Star Gardens were literally everywhere, certainly surrounding all major towns and cities - and sometimes integrated within the city itself. In keeping with creating the most staggeringly beautiful environment possible, the gardens all conformed to the aesthetic of the regional Star Civilisation that created them. For instance, the star gardens in The East were different in shape and contour from those of The West, but all cities and towns had them, in one form or another. They became the blueprints for our expanding city layouts.